Steady Mobbin', or Steady Mommin'?

I would be lying to you if I didn't say I had to look up the term "steady mobbin"...possibly because I am one of those millennials who doesn't quite completely understand why I have to be idenitified with these boys "out here makin money moves."

I would also be lying if I didn't admit that I too was a steady mobber...nails done, hair did always hanging out with my girls not knowing what life had in store for me next. Living my best life. Going to work out twice a day, cute outfits, tight pants...all new and expensive accessories. Well, that is all things country. I can't give myself too much credit because my wedding was themed classy, but trashy.

 Then came pregnancy...ohhhh the horror of that first trimester! I thought the flu was bad, but no one could ever fully prepare me for the back pain, THE NOSE...what the heck?! We went out to dinner with our friends and one of them put on some mint chapstick or something on the other side of the table and I remember smelling it like it was right up to my nose. Public bathrooms...ohhhh my awful encounter. How did I not know how much perfume I was actually using and frying everyone's sinuses when I walked by, the nose by far was the worst part because it played a big part in the nausea. Those tight cute clothes I once wore were soon replaced with comfortable and practical. No one would find me dressing for anything more than comfort.

 My pregnancy was soon coming to an end and I thought I would get right back into my old routine no problem, those cute clothes would fit once again and I would feel like having all those nice things again, but then came the newborn stage. Boy was I so far from wrong...nice things weren't even an option I had spit up all over me, poop, pee, my sanity strung out across my living room. Nothing of mine clean, but anything to do with that baby was spotless and sanitized. It was soon apparent as to what it actually meant when those crazy moms would say "this is why we can't have nice things" probably because they were destroyed by blowouts!

 The first year passed by and I will say my shirts were starting to be able to at least smell good and the amount of stains seemed to be minimal,but then came the destroyer of all things. No one and no thing is safe in this house not the cat, dogs, pictures... nothing. There are little hand prints on anything and everything you can think of. I had these beautiful buffalo plaid curtains that now have these blackberry stained finger prints from the center down to the ground...they honestly look like I just tossed a bucket of blueberries in the wash with them and they spun around. Every time I mop the floors and I mean every time, this little tornado comes through and all the drawers are pulled out, things tossed and all oatmeal packets ripped and confettied around like we were actually not on a cleaning spree, but some sort of breakfast rampage!

Yes I once too could steady mob, but not now. No, I am a steady mommer. I walk around Target in my mom sweats, with my mom hair and mom-bod. I walk around with no shame knowing darn well my son left a chocolate hand print on the back of my white shirt, a diaper bag full of crumbs and half eaten chap sticks. I mom so hard that even though I know my kid is being extra loud and  crazy at costco I couldn't give a damn about you and your glaring eyes Karen with your grocery cart full of tasty adult treats while I've got mine loaded down with diapers, fishy snacks, wipes and juice pouches not having enough time, money, or patience to treat myself today, but you go ahead and judge me for my baby being a baby while later tonight  you sit in your quiet house on your comfy couch enjoying some time to relax. I'll be chasing a naked baby around trying to do get bedtime started.

I am such a steady mommer that even after a really hard day full of teething, crazy amounts of laundry and tantrums when that sweet baby goes to bed I sit on the couch and talk about how much I miss him and can't wait to say good morning and do our little good morning dance seven hours from then. It ain't easy, but it's honest work *insert farmer meme here*

Steady Mommin' comes at a price. No sleep...ever, constant worry, sometimes you forget to put mascara on both eyes, your shirt has been worn inside out all day, that one adult that calls you on the phone is your one chance for adult interaction so you fit everything you can into that thirty minute conversation, you suddenly understand why it would be okay to let out a few screams when you are tired and hungry...its kind of like a constant parade of craziness. Not only does this little human depend on you 24/7, but you soon realize that when you take a bathroom break and open the door its not just a baby waiting for your undying love and attention, but the cat needs to tattle on that baby and the dog feels neglected from lack of words of affirmation and couch snuggles. For some reason when you become a mom to one, your a mom to all.

 Even though this mom life is hard work and sometimes feels never ending, it is the most rewarding job. It is such a privilege to be mom to that cute little one year old and all those animals that adopted me. To take care of something so innocent and pure reminds me how blessed I truly am. When sometimes I loose my cool and feel like the worst mom in the world, that little boy still comes running back to me and still wants a hug from mom. Mom fixes everything. She takes care of everyone, not to mention she gets to be the most popular one! In my opinion I would much rather be steady Mommin' than mobbin anyday!



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