My Morning Fall Routine

                                       Fall Morning Routine

Good Morning Everyone!It is my most favorite time of the year!! Fall!!
I love this time of the year where we live here in the PNW. All the colors of fall start to pop  around pine trees, lots of rainy days, when the sun is out, but the air is crisp, all the flavors of fall and decor start to emerge and it starts to signify that the holidays are on their way.

This is also the time where in our home we seem to get back into a routine. Even though our little guy is still a baby and we don't have a school schedule to stick to, we still have lots of chores around the house and a typical routine we tend to stick to. Our mornings go by so fast it seems like before we know its already eleven thirty and lunch time.

If you would like to see how it is that this mama doesn't get dressed till lunch time most days stay tuned!y

Almost every morning my alarm is the first to go off at 5:30-6:30 depending on what time we got to bed the night before. I am that person who cannot fall asleep once woken up, unlike my husband who has literally 10 alarms. I don't get out of bed right away, usually I take my time in getting up because I do have a couple of hours to myself in the morning. I always start by checking my emails and responding on instagram until I am wide awake. Its usually about thirty minutes.

I head to the bathroom first thing and then put my hair up and walk into the kitchen. This is usually when I am able to get my computer work done. A lot of the time I'm not ready to eat yet, so I make myself a hot cup of (my new favorite) pumpkin spice hot chocolate and sit at our dining room table and work on my blog for the next hour until I hear Spence, or little Mav man get up.

By the time the boys are up that is when our house becomes the loud house. I swear the animals wait to hear Maverick because they know when he is up then that means hes got to be eating. It's around 7:30-8:15 am at this point and everyone wants to know what the heck they are having for breakfast. Our family always feeds the animals before we feed ourselves.

I will shut my computer off and walk over to little mavy's room and turn on his lights and do a little good morning happy dance. For some reason he cannot leave his room ever without turning the light off himself. His little chubby finger flips the switch and we head of to the kitchen again to grab a little snack to tide him over before our first round of chores. Lately its been a banana, or half an apple. As his walking around "looking for his boots" I open the laundry room door to let our cat, pumpkin out where she comes out meowing about her night.

The cat and Maverick love to play while I find my shoes and get Maverick his boots on and it is probably the cutest thing ever. Spencer is up and out of the shower already starting on his work day by this point doing some computer work, whenever we are ready to go outside he likes to take a break and walk out with us to help with the dogs.

Spencer will walk out and grab the dogs from the garage while we let the cat out front and meet them out  back by the garden where we let the dogs run. When we first got to this house the weeds were so high and thick in our pasture, but after letting the dogs run down the weeds over the last month and a half we can finally see what we can do with the area in the spring. After pulling weeds from the house for two weeks straight I decided to work smarter, not harder and use our own version of permaculture. Good dogs.

As the doggos run around like crazies we walk over to the chicken coop. We refer to our hens as "ladies" for those who do not follow me on instagram, you should! There is an old barn out back that was used for a wood pile and what looks be like an older chicken coop. We added some fencing outside under the roof so that way the ladies can walk in and out freely as they please and protect them from the other birds around AKA the golden eagle and owl that took off with FOUR of our sweet ladies. Spence, or I will walk around the pasture checking the fence for trees and the deer trail with Maverick while the other changes out the chickens water and feeds the girls.

Once the ladies are taken care of and the dogs have done their business and we have checked for weird animal tracks around the property we head back into the garage to feed Bella and Rocky. Rocky always scarfs down his food so we let Bella have her own little corner of the garage where she can take her sweet time like she always does looking around and nibbling. We get back to the kitchen where pumpkin is usually crying in the front windows asking for her breakfast, so we put chubby boy in his high chair, let the cat back in and get her food going as well as start some bacon and eggs on the stovetop.

Spencer at this point is either gone out visiting customers, or working on his laptop. So, depending on the day he grabs a breakfast on his way out, or we get to eat all together as he works. This is one of my favorite parts of the day because we have some music on in the background and everyone is in a really good mood!

After breakfast is over I love opening up all the windows to let in the fresh air and I will light the candle in our rooms and kitchen while I start picking up from last night and this morning. I plop Maverick down on the couch with a cartoon while he plays with his toys in the living room and I get started on the dishes. I feel like if I get all the dishes out of the way then my counter-tops are already half way cleaned by the time the dishwasher is started. Once the dishwasher is going I put a load of laundry in and then start cleaning the counter-tops, table and high chair.

Maverick gets bored with his toys relatively fast so we usually turn the TV off and play some music while we both vacuum and spot mop the floor. After a good chunk of the cleaning gets done, its finally snack and snuggle time. Ill get Maverick A little snack and we curl up on the couch and watch a little bit of cartoons before its time for him to go down for a nap. I love this time of the day because I can smell my pumpkin bread candle in the kitchen and sitting down snuggling with my little guy is so relaxing!

And that my friends is what my fall routine looks like! I love the routine we have going and the feelings I get this time of year! If you have some decor up for fall, or your own fall routine please tag me on instagram so I can share it on my story! I love connecting with everyone and seeing how you all celebrate fall!



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